Donna tennis tournament 088 (1280x960)Tennis for Life runs three age group tennis squads on a Sunday morning at the City College, Ipswich Road.

8:45-9:45am sponge ball tennis

9:50-10:50am development tennis

10:55-11:55am open tennis

Sunday is a great day for young players to learn as they have not just had a hard day or week at school. The learning that takes place at this time is much higher than any other time in the week, and allows for more progression. Participants on a Sunday morning have also been the most committed and long time attendees.

Lots of players have also moved onTFL junior helpers March 2014 006 (1280x960)TFL junior helpers March 2014 013 (1280x960)351 (1280x960)342 (1280x960) to completing their Tennis Leaders qualification and coming back to learn more about coaching.

Running alongside the tennis is:-

Young person fitness group for 8-18 years old. They are shown how to exercise correctly, as well as warm-up and cool-down, all under the watchful eye of a qualified fitness instructor. This is a very important part of educating young people early about health and fitness and getting them into really good habits.

Adults fitness session. This takes place in the Gym with a qualified instructor. Participants have made this part of their Sunday morning, gaining great fitness and health. Also providing an excellent example to their children who are doing tennis and/or joining in the young persons fitness session.

Tuesdays 7-8pm at the NHSchool is a group for mums to learn how to play tennis. This is followed by a group for any adults wanting some fun, fitness and competition. This session is run on a badminton court with sponge balls and smaller rackets.